Sunday, March 6, 2011

Captain Grade 3 and more tips for Credits

 Finally I am Captain Grade 3 only 1 rank away from major! But I am also going to talk about some ways to get credits and hard ranks. Tip # 1 do not camp, it is not cool and you probably enjoy the game a lot more. Tip # 2 do not betray other people all it does is just lose your team a kill and reduces your credits for that game. Tip # 3 always try to complete challenges every day that I play I set goals for myself and I currently have 151,000 credits I am saving up for grunts birthday party so I see which challenges I can do each day to make it come faster. Major is a long rank and when I reach it ( probably next weekend ) I will have some more tips ready. please share your tricks if you have any down below in comments. Do not forget to follow and check out my Everton blog.

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