Monday, March 14, 2011


I am sorry this easter egg is late so please enjoy

Tribute Room Easter Egg!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New rank and tips to hit jackpot and my first Halo Reach fail.

                   I am finally a good rank major. I also had a mega fail it is called falcon fail check it out on Here is a tip to hit jackpot I have hit it several times. Do not quit games or get booted I you do your chances drop like a rock. Please comment follow and check out my Everton blog!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Captain Grade 3 and more tips for Credits

 Finally I am Captain Grade 3 only 1 rank away from major! But I am also going to talk about some ways to get credits and hard ranks. Tip # 1 do not camp, it is not cool and you probably enjoy the game a lot more. Tip # 2 do not betray other people all it does is just lose your team a kill and reduces your credits for that game. Tip # 3 always try to complete challenges every day that I play I set goals for myself and I currently have 151,000 credits I am saving up for grunts birthday party so I see which challenges I can do each day to make it come faster. Major is a long rank and when I reach it ( probably next weekend ) I will have some more tips ready. please share your tricks if you have any down below in comments. Do not forget to follow and check out my Everton blog.

Friday, March 4, 2011

New Easter Egg!

I have had no time this week to play but today is time for a new Easter Egg So enjoy this weeks

Never Surrender, Siege of Madrigal

Sunday, February 27, 2011

2 rank ups and my first forge map!

    Well I must say captain  is a very easy rank it took me 2 days to become a captain grade 2 starting from captain. I also would like to know if anyone had completed the 400 kills in a day challenge yesterday because I sure did not. I completed my first race map and might put that out on my file share in the future. I have a question when on it says that the network is not secure and could be encrypted and read by 3rd party. Is it safe to use it I must know now because I would like to download some maps. Please comment back from that question and follow!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Captain at last!

     Warrent officer was a impossible rank! But my friends from school told me that captain is very easy. Here Is something to do If you are playing at spire and are bored! If someone on your team is sniping on top of the spire and are close to the edge you push them off. I know this is jerkish but my and I had a good laugh when we did this. So that is all for today also Easter eggs will be changed every Friday not including this week. Please comment and follow.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Easter Egg countdown!

   Every week I will be posting a new Easter Egg found in Halo Reach! Most of these I have tried out and most of these are from Roosters Teeth. I did not find these Rooster Teeth and his crew did all the work. Also some of these have spoilers on them so watch out! Enjoy this weeks Master Chief Statue found under my rank on the right side! This will end in spring!